Aaaauugh-some October!

The month started us off with a wonderful Family Days.  After 2 days of education, therapy and fun, the Fine Arts Festival was held at a new location closer to downtown.  This round’s theme was Respect, and we were graced with 14 great acts! We always love seeing what our students come up with and their amazing talents.

In Utah, there is a fall break from school that is for the teachers, but our students didn’t mind!  On Thursday, October 16, our kiddos got to go to Wheeler Historic Farm, where they saw animals, had a wagon ride, tried a little hay maze and picked out a pumpkin.  We are lucky enough to live right around the corner, and the weather was amazing, so most opted to walk that day.


After lunch, we were able to paint pumpkins (while some were determined that they carve – with a plastic knife!)  The evening was topped off by a screaming round of Extreme Karaoke.  This is where performers don professional (read: loud!) headphones, playing the song of their choice… to the point that they can’t hear anything else, even themselves.  Meanwhile, the audience only hears the performer singing in the microphone, and no music.  Our students were quite skeptical at first, but once the ball got rolling, the laughing was louder than the performers!

Friday morning brought a trip to the Hill Aerospace Museum. This is located North of Salt Lake, on the Hill military base, and includes an impressive collection of modern and historical military aircraft. Our students really seemed to enjoy doing something different.

That evening, students had the choice to either go to the Nickelcade, or attend Madame Butterfly, an opera by Puccini at Salt Lake’s Capitol Theater.  Both options were an adventure!

Later in the month was, of course, Halloween!  La Europeans held a talent and costume fashion show in the afternoon.  Each student was allotted ten dollars and time at the thrift store to put together something awesome – the results were fantastic!  Prizes were given for best costumes and acts, as well as some goodies for those that participated.


After dinner (and cookies!) they indulged in hot cocoa and cider, made caramel apples and watched the original 1930’s Dracula.  There was so much fun and sugar that candy bags had to be saved and distributed a few days later!